Monday, September 29, 2008

A Weekend Away

Brian and I took a much needed trip this weekend. We went down to Ft. Meyers to a conference and Blythe stayed in Tampa with Meme and Poppy! We are so thankful to have family close by that love to help us out and give us time to spend alone together. We are even more thankful that they'll do it for three days with a baby who still doesn't have regular nap times! This weekend was such a blessing to us as we were reminded that God has given us such a gift in each other and there's nothing better we can do for our baby girl than to be thankful for that gift every day!

Meme and Poppy had so much fun with Blythe!
They put up a new swing for her to enjoy and she had a blast! They got her laughing every time she went in it!

She also watched the gator game with Poppy and was so sad that we lost! Meme and Poppy have made their house so fun for their grandbabies that soon they won't ever want to go home!

Fall is Here!

Ok, so we do live in Florida so fall means it's in the 80s instead of the 90s. But we are loving it! We can finally enjoy being outside in the yard and at parks! It gives us so many more options for things to do during the day. Blythe has finally discovered the grass and is fascinated by it. When she's sitting in the grass I can't do anything to get her attention!

Today was our first trip to the aquarium with some friends. It was fun though Blythe really had no interest in it. She was more fascinated by all the other moms and kids that were there than she was by the fish. I'm sure there will be many aquarium visits in our future though!

Big Girl!

Blythe got her new carseat and she loves it so much! I don't hear crying from the back of the car anymore which is such a relief. It's awful to have an upset baby behind you when there's nothing you can safely do about it. Since she's had this seat int he car she's been so much happier - and she'll even fall asleep in it!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Going, going, gone!

Blythe will be crawling soon. I'll be mourning my loss of freedom while she is gaining hers! Guess we'll be doing more babyproofing soon!

6 Month Appointment

I made the doctor see us a week earlier than our original appointment (which was three weeks late anyways) because there were lots of questions I wanted to ask.. mostly having to do with my child's lack of daytime sleep - which he had not answer for! Well, she's still growing, but not as fast. Blythe now weighs 17lbs 4 oz (76th percentile) and is 26.5 inches long (95th percentile!!!). She is one long baby! The chart could be a little off though since our appointments are running behind. She is eating a whole lot though so I'm not surprised at her growth at all.

She is finally sleeping through the night thanks to her daddy's gentle nudge. Against my will, we (as in BRIAN) used the Ferber method to train her to sleep at night and it worked quickly. It wasn't easy, but it sure is nice to get a decent amount of sleep at night. My body has had a hard time adjusting and I still wake up from time to time. I don't think it knows what to do with so many hours to sleep. Also, Blythe is going down at 7pm instead of 9 so we finally have some quiet in the evenings which is so needed!

Now, this is what we see when we go into her room in the morning... How can you not smile at this face?!?!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Growing so fast!

Blythe is 6 months old today. I know everyone says it goes by quickly but it's still so hard to believe she has been here that long. At the same time, it's difficult to remember life without her here. We are so thankful for her and the joy she brings to our lives.

Our doctors appointments are off by a few weeks because of the way we are doing Blythe's shots. At 5 1/2 months, she weighed 16 lbs 4 oz! She is just getting so big! Her six month appointment isn't for a few more weeks. I'll have to et out the scale at home and weigh her tomorrow. She is getting so much more active and never wants to sit still. She wants to get into everything but hasn't quite mastered how she should do that. She's not crawling yet, but she moves to get to what she wants. We're afraid she is going to start walking first...

This is what I saw when I was setting up the camera this afternoon. One minute she was sitting and playing with her toy, the next minute she was using it to stand up! She does that all the time using us, but that's the first time she did it completely on her own using another object! We've got to find a way to slow her down!


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